Restoration of Gjirokastra Houses

Lead By: PhD. Eng. Nikolla Vesho
Phd. Arch. Malvina istrefaj
Phd.C. Arch. Kristiana Meço
Msc. Romir Mazari

The subject of Restoration of Cultural Monuments and Buildings with Architectural Values represents within this course an extended perspective, based on research and design, into a multidisciplinary space. The professional approach towards Built Cultural Heritage assets; architectural, archeological, engineering or artistic, impacting on their lifespan and image, where the concrete focus is on buildings and their relationship with the territory.

Addressing the architectural and structural problems of the buildings that are part of the heritage fund, and further on the realization of restoration processes in accordance with the contemporary principles and methodologies, directly influence the presentation of values and the increase of competitiveness at the global level. The importance of respecting but at the same time discovering the ‘traditional’, in addition to identifying and taking into consideration the authentic values of cities, is crucial towards a comprehensive conception of the territory itself and what is built on it.

During this course and the development of the projects, an important role has been taken by knowing and using the Norms, which regulate the intervention in an architectural work and which are different in different contexts and depending on the category of the buildings.
This exhibition presents the extraordinary commitment and work of the students of Architecture-4 in the “Restoration of Gjirokastra Houses” organized in 18 groups, who have followed all the processes of surveying and documentation, analyzing the problems, on the basis of which they have been studied, elaborated and finalized with intervention projects proposals.

09.02.2024 — 16.02.2024
MAD Center / POLIS University